Monday, 6 July 2009

How Not to Be Creative

First, never talk to strangers.

Of course, we’re taught this as children, but somewhere along the path to “grown-up-hood” we realize that it’s okay to engage the person in line behind us in Taco Bell in a conversation.

Soon there’s no stopping us. We talk in elevators, at the grocery store, in doctors’ waiting rooms.

But these conversations are very risky, because it’s just way too easy to get an idea from an impromptu conversation, and that’s the best way to be creative, getting an idea is.

Secondly, if you want to be as uncreative as possible, make sure you don’t go to new places.

The best new places not to go are art museums, galleries, and any place selling art supplies or books. If you go to any of these places, it’s a pretty foregone conclusion that Something Will Happen. That Something will probably be creative, and No Good Can Come of That.

But also avoid like the plague new places such as parties or meetings of new groups. These can be Idea Nesting Grounds, and we know what happens in places like that.
Third, never ask what if.

What if is the ultimate creative question. Just don't ask. Now, you may think I’m talking only about going into a meeting of creative people and saying, “What if we…” 

Nope. I’m saying, don’t ask what if, ever. Don’t ask your mechanic, “What if we recharged the air conditioner? Would that keep the car cooler?” Don’t ask your waitress, “What if I substituted a baked potato for the fries?” 

Don’t ask what if, ever, because if you do, you might ask it again, in less favorable (that is, boring) circumstances, and what would happen then? What could happen then?
Fourth, never think about the alternative.

This is basically asking what if, and we've already decided not to do that. 

Let’s look at an example of this. You’re working in a job you hate, doing something with numbers, say. You think, “What’s the alternative?” Well, if you’re lucky, you’ll soon think, “None. I have to stay in this job. There is no alternative.” But if you’re unlucky, then things start getting sticky.

You might, for example, start looking at the want ads. And there you might find an ad for a different job, one not involving numbers, but actually involving something you like to do and are good at. Graphic design, maybe. And that’s just getting too creative.

So don’t think about the alternative. Better yet, just don't think at all; it's safer.
Finally, never ask "what do you think?"

...unless the person you're asking is definitely going to give you a negative, uncreative answer. Just assume they think what you think.

The problem with asking, “What do you think?” is that most people assume you really want to know, and they WILL tell you. This is a Bad Thing if you’re trying to avoid creativity, because if what they think is something completely different from what you think, you could well end up with a Creative Idea, and we’ve already talked about that.

There you go. Five great tips for how not to be creative.

The thing, of course, is that very few people have trouble with NOT being creative. What you were probably looking for when you started this article was advice on getting creative ideas. 

There you go. Five great ways to get creative ideas. 

Just turn them around and do everything I just told you not to do. Be creative. Take a risk. 


11 Top Tips To Be More Creative

Everyone has a creative side, whether they can paint great masterpieces, write classic novels, make effective decisions or solve problems. In some people the creative side is supressed, but in others it is closer to the surface.

Whatever you want to have more creativity for, you can develop your creativity through hypnosis and reaching inside yourself for your hidden talents.

The following eleven steps will help you to develop your creativity.

* Do crosswords and other puzzles that exercise your brain. The more these require you to access your creative side, the more you will develop that side of your brain.

* Create lists - you can increase your creativity and get that side of your brain working by making a list whenever you have a problem which needs some creative thinking. Write down as many ideas as you can to solve the problem and let your creativity flow. Don't question them as they come to you, just write them all done.

* Work as part of a team. Working and brainstorming in a group allows you to express your creativity, but to also learn from the other people in the group by seeing how they are creative.

* Make changes in your life so you can get past your creative blocks. Your personal or career life may not allow you to be creative, so make changes so you can express that side of yourself.

* When you try to be creative, you may find you are not coming up with amazing ideas immediately. Keep practising and develop these ideas and you will start to create great ideas.

* Instead of telling yourself you can't do it and you can't be creative, start telling yourself that you can. This will program yourself for creativity.

* When faced with a situation where you have to be creative, remember times from the past when you were creative - this will help get you into the right frame of mind.

* If your creativity is blocked then just take some time out and doodle - just let your mind go and you may be surprised just what you come up with.

* Hire a life coach or see a hypnotist to help enhance your creativity. An outside point of view can often help you get past the blocks that have been preventing you from being creative.

* Often the adult side of your brain inhibits your creativity. You worry about what other people will think and whether you are right or wrong. Unleash your inner child which has none of these inhibitions and will allow you to access your creativity.

* If you are stressed or tense then you may find your creativity doesn't flow very well. If you relax and let yourself stress go then you will find your creativity flows better. Take some deep breaths or do something else so your creativity can be allowed to flow.

Having more creativity can help you in your professional life and help you get ahead in your career. It can help you improve your personal life by finding creative solutions to your problems. These eleven steps will help you to be more creative.

10 Ways To Do Positive Thinking

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle by positive thinking will help you to neutralize negative thoughts, develop positive affirmations, build self-image and confidence in yourself and achieve success in life. There are situations sometimes which may find that your career is not going in the proper direction and your income is not according to your expectations.

This situation is worse, if you find that your career even after trying many is not generating desired results. In such hard times habit of positive thinking can help you to fill your mind with good and productive thoughts which will give you peace of mind. Then why not to use God's precious gift to create true happiness in life?

You must have observed that when you wish to do something creative in your life, and if you think that 'I can't do this', it is sure that you will not! But when you say that ' I can do this', automatically, your job becomes easy and also gets over soon. This is called positive attitude. 'I Can do this' is the secret.

Most of us talk to ourselves and 90% of it is negative. We do this in our bad times just due to fear or frustration. It is possible to overcome such situations by way of positive thinking.

There are 10 ways to do positive thinking:

1. Discover the amazing power of Positive thinking. 
2. Develop the habit of thinking positive only. 
3. Find out why particular thing is not working. 
4. Never lose confidence. 
5. Efforts and hard work changes worst situations.. Think it will work for you too. 
6. Maintain friendly relations with others. 
7. Request someone to help you in times of crisis. 
8. Find ways to change adverse situations. Never give up. 
9. Practice techniques of 'Meditation' to get control over your body and soul. 
10. Think that your best time is yet to come and it will.